How Is Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Useful When It Comes To Running?

We use our legs to run, don’t we?

As a result, surely we just need to run and keep on running, as Forrest Gump would say – “Isn’t this the case?”

Well frankly no.

For running and for any sport performed to a competitive level the mind is just as important if not more important than the physical effort and technical performance.

Listen to any sports commentary and it won’t be long before you hear references to team confidence or indidual performance levels affected by the mental approach.

Though these days marathon running is my sport, I have played football to a fairly high standard and various sports throughout my life and I think just about everyone who has ever participated in any kind of sport can remember when our state of mind interfered with a good performance.

Of course, it is not just sports performance either, many men encounter anxiety with sexual situations which affects their ability.   For others similar anxiety may have affected performance in an exam or test of some kind.  The mental approach to whatever you do is vitally important for success.

In sports, it might occur in an important competition.  A great recent example is how Rory McIlroy. the golfer. lost his healthy lead in Augusta.  However he recovered  mentally and showed some amazing resilience just a few months later to go on and win the US Masters golf major in tremendous style. You must have seen how tennis players struggle with those important points in big championships and how our football teams get affected by the crowd when they play away from home.

For us marathon runners, our mental approach might affect our performance in races as well as in the important preparation. So the answer is that, of course we use more than just our legs.

 How Do I Help My Mental Approach?

I think everyone knows these days that our state of mind affects how we perform, yet it seems quite common for individuals to not understand how to get in control of their own mentality and mind, especially when it comes to sports performance.

So in this training we will consider all aspects of the training:

In the coming 16 weeks of this audio programme I shall be speaking to you a lot about how to use your mind, and how we are going to use hypnosis and hypnotherapy for enhancing your running ability, belief in yourself and ensuring your mind is as equipped and trained for the marathon day as your body is with all those miles under your belt.

Within the research that I have been conducting as I have put this programme together, it is amazing to read accounts of athletes and sports people as to the reasons behind the wide variation in their sporting performance and results. Very, very few (top elite people) actually perform with major consistency.

Injuries and health issues aside,  the vast majority of the accounts suggest that most athletes and sports people believe their own differences in performance are due to parallel variations in their state of mind. Many athletes I encounter through my work and through running events I attend, tend to suggest that it is 50/50 physical and mental when it comes to their sporting performance and though this is only subjective evidence based on my limited encountering of sports people, I would say that it is a very low percentage 3-10% max of training time that is spent on the psychological skills and mental abilities required for peak performance.

It is a rare occurrence to encounter an athlete or sports person who spends a great deal of time and effort on their psychological skills and mental side of training.  Let’s make this clear – the psychological side of training is just as important as anything else when it comes to sporting performance. The athletes at the very top of their game are the ones who know this more than the rest and that is why they are there.

Throughout this audio programme, I am going to talking in depth about a wide variety of techniques, skills, applications and methods all designed at enhancing your running performance.


5 Steps To Instant Street Hypnosis

A Mind & Body Connection Home page video

How To Secretly Hypnotize Anyone And Make Them Do What You Want

What you should know about this World Famous Salesman, #1 Best Persuasion Maker, and highly sought after Advisor as he reveals to you how you can learn hypnosis that earned him a reputation as an International hypnosis rebel... He says: "Hypnosis Can Turn Any "Normal" Communicator Into a Supercharged Influencing Machine with Dozens of Cutting Edge Secret Weapons..."
He even said once: "There is no such thing as intellectual property, after all, everyone can learn what anyone else has learned. This is why I don't feel bad about "showing" you something that was already written once. What our focus really should be is how this information continues to improve, and who are those brave people to teach you the up to date information in the highest quality possible?"

"How To Secretly Hypnotize Anyone And Make Them Do What You Want"

Find out Step-By-Step How To STOP Your Random Conversation And Turn It Into A Sure-Fire - No Lose Way To Influence Anyone, No Matter How Hard or What You've Tried Before!

By Nathan Blaszak  C.H.
Director of Apply Hypnosis Center

You're confident. You're talking with someone thinking about what to say next, and the person is staring at you. You feel the pressure.

To the startled eyes of your friends you told earlier, you grin casually, say a few words, and presto -- the person you're talking with does whatever you command. A dream? Absolutely not.

Suppose this response was typical of every conversation you have from here on?

"When I ran across your "Apply Hypnosis" on the web I purchased it immediately. Of all the things I have bought over the web yours is surely the most valuable. I was persuading others within minutes after reading your techniques."

-Allen Pierce, SC Disclaimer

"If you want to learn hypnosis in record speed - but don't want to struggle with finding the right words or formula's, get Nathan's Apply Hypnosis kit. Instead of having to sort out what works, you'll be met with practical applications galore. I've already started using the "Sneak Phrases" And guess what?... 6 people I used them on obeyed my commands. I've always been hit-and-miss in this department - (not knowing what or how to speak) - so I'm very pleased with the results. This kit is a godsend for anyone studying covert hypnosis like me!"

-Monica Patterson, WA

Click Here to see more rave reviews


First, let me probe a little. Then, you’ll see how you can clearly and confidently stand above everyone else socially. Marvel this letter carefully. Do your analysis, and then move into action, and consider my letter your path to superior influence.

Because when you posses such phenomenal power, you can easily, and predictably control others, secretly. This isn’t a dream!

However, I don’t just expect you to “believe me” until you’ve seen more proof.

“The Secrets of Covert Hypnosis”

It’s all how you say things… how you use language patterns – how you use words that hypnotize people while it sounds like innocent everyday conversation.

In short, it's about how you can side-step the English language and practically make anyone unconsciously obey your commands!

Look, that’s what covert hypnosis, for the most part, is all about! By-passing the critical thinking, and psychologically commanding people to act the way you want them to!

And that's just the start!

It All “Flies Beneath The Radar” Of Your Listeners Perception!

It's simple: suppose you could say "special" phrases to make what you're saying seem like an innocent conversation and get your prospect to do as you please - without them even knowing you're doing it!?

Imagine this... You're having a conversation with someone. You say a simple phrase to put them in a trance then simply slip any command you want for them to act on - (and they will) and they don't have a clue what just happened or what you just did to them!

Conversational Hypnosis Training

You may have read my book The Deep Trance Training Manual Vol. 1. It sent shock waves throughout the hypnosis community. The first printing sold out in record time. Or maybe you've heard about my successful Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy certification program. This six-day training program is enthusiastically endorsed by the International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists. Maybe you've attended one of my Master Classes for hypnotherapists. Or perhaps bought one of my many other programs or publications.
The point is, I am one of the world's foremost experts and trainers on covert hypnosis.
In the rest of this message I'm going to reveal...
How to get your hands on the secrets Dr. Erickson, the American Medical Association... and... the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. would prefer you never come across on your own.
I stumbled upon hypnosis while attending Exeter University in England. At the time, my dream was to become a hot-shot lawyer. Which I accomplished. To make that happen, I needed to learn a lot as quickly as humanly possible.
A friend mentioned that hypnosis could help me. So I watched some tapes... listened to some audios... and... began applying the information.
Pretty soon, I was able to...
Accomplish Twice The Work
In Half The Time...

The results were fantastic. I was hooked. And I decided to figure out ways to use hypnosis in every day situations. I went on a learning frenzy with the same intensity as a school of starving piranhas.
For example...
First, I found out Dr. Milton Erickson was the best source of information on hypnosis. So I dug deep and uncovered five volumes of unpublished works - academic texts - he authored. I poured over those texts night and day... until... the information became second nature.
Then, I researched any available papers, journals, articles and whatever else I could find written by Dr. Erickson from whatever source I could tap. Somehow I came across a few videos where Dr. Erickson trained a group of hypnotherapists. I probably watched those videos several dozen times. What can I say? I was a man on a mission.
Finally, I went so far as to track down several top Ericksonian therapists and trainers and study directly with them. Some of these hypnotherapists had worked side-by-side with Dr. Erickson for a number of years. I also took several 4 - 7 day and 2 - 3 week training courses... and... probably spent over 1,000 hours reading, watching videos and studying.
Unfortunately, some of the training I received was wrong and counter-productive.
It took several years to finally get the whole truth about hypnosis.
Once that happened, I applied everything I learned in the real world. I practiced hypnosis on my friends, family and eventually (using covert methods) on complete strangers. And then I was ready to take my knowledge into the professional world.
I became obsessed with the idea of using hypnosis to...
Influence And Persuade People
(Without Them Being Aware Of It)
In Everyday Situations...

After a few years as a lawyer I decided that wasn't really for me.
And I started working with corporations as a coach. In fact, several Fortune 500 companies hired me. In that environment, I had to figure out a "stealthy" undetectable way to make others accept my suggestions. Because you can't just sit a corporate executive down and hypnotize them.
The covert hypnosis techniques I developed needed to work quickly at the unconscious level. And they did. I easily gained control, commanded attention and compelled compliance from anyone.
How did I develop these totally covert techniques?
Good question. The answer is I took everything I had discovered from Dr. Erickson... and... isolated the main principles he taught. That's when I realized he was using semi-covert hypnosis on subjects. I wanted to use completely covert hypnosis.
By isolating the principles behind his techniques I knew what made them work. I then tested different ways to turn his semi-covert strategies into truly "under-the-conscious-radar" strategies. Ones you can use any time during normal conversations. Without being detected by the subject or bystanders.
Success at the corporate level led me to open a hypnotherapy clinic.
In private practice, I dealt with everything from relationship problems, smoking issues, weight loss, fears, phobias and just about anything else a therapist encounters. And again, my covert methods worked like a charm. I had finally learned how to use the forbidden secret of true covert hypnosis.
Something even Dr. Erickson was not totally familiar with. Because in reality Dr. Erickson relied on semi-covert techniques (not completely covert ones) to hypnotize subjects.
I began training others in my covert hypnosis methods. And my schedule was booked up in no time. Private coaching students cheerfully shelled out $6,900 per person.
It dawned on me more people could be reached if I packaged my private coaching sessions into a home study course. That's what I did in 2002 when I released the first version of my conversational hypnosis course. Now, I'm releasing a bigger and better version.

Black Hypnosis

I know you came here looking for answers, so let's keep this simple!

This site is NOT like all those other hypnosis sites out there.

This site will teach you something different...

This site will teach you the INSANELY controversial and the most EFFECTIVE hypnosis and mind control techniques that have turned the heads of hundreds...

And guess what. People are talking for a reason.

But before we go any further, I must give you this warning:

This is advanced mental technology. If you're looking for "A Beginners Guide To Hypnosis" you won't find it here.

On this site you'll find exactly how to mind control anyone you want, any time, any place, and all without them knowing.

But if I reveal this information, please promise me you will use it responsibly and you will only use it for good.

Ok, so let's get to it...

My name is Cameron Crawford, and I'm about to take you on a journey into one of the most intense and one of the most influential underground secret societies that has ever existed.

Here's the story:

Mind Control was never just something was interested in... It was always something I was obsessed with.

For years I was looking for the real "secrets" of mind control but they just didn't seem to be out there...

I wanted to learn the secrets of mind control that hardly ANYONE knew about... the secrets that would let me do stuff like:

Hypnotize someone into finding me instantly attractive.

Make someone instantly forget ever meeting me.

Mind control someone into being so fascinated by me they can’t get me out of their mind.
I wanted to have that knowledge, the kind of power that would let me do anything.

But every course, every book, every audio I could get my hands on was all the same old, outdated and rehashed information that never really taught me anything.

Every single piece of information I ever found was useless.

And by now you probably know what I mean, you've seen all those "learn hypnosis sites" out there selling those crappy hypnosis eBooks that are all based on the same information that was written 20 years ago.

Hell, I even bought most of them...

Then after going through them all and finding nothing new, I started to lose hope... and then it happened.

The Phone Call That Changed My Life

The phone call was from a friend of mine (NONE of the people in this story will let me publish their REAL names), this friend owned and operated two auctions.

And in one of his auctions someone was selling a box of old books.

One of the books was an old, hand written journal of about 80 pages of intensely powerful information that was the collected wisdom of an underground subculture that absolutely no one knew existed.

This group had been secretly exchanging their knowledge for nearly a decade.

Secretly working to turn hypnosis and mind control into a something new, something a lot more powerful.

This small subculture revolved around one man who was only known as "The Professor".

He was the most worshipped persuader in this secret community.

Inside the pages of the journal he spit out LONG detailed descriptions of techniques that read like algorithms of how to manipulate social situations and how to control anyone's mind.

A lot of the techniques in the journal, he had come up with and they were all chronicled in intimate detail right there inside those pages.

The writing was filled with jargon of his own invention like:

Sliders, Shells, Claws, Sniper Inducer's, String Theory... and a whole lot more and they'd all become an integral part of this hypnosis secret society.

Now I know this all sounds a bit crazy, and believe me when I first read about it I thought it was strange too.

But apparently, The Professor along with around a dozen others had constantly tested insane new ideas and perfected them for years.

Inside these pages they had documented a new kind of mental technology that they called "Black Ops Hypnosis".

Black Ops Hypnosis is considered to be the real Dark Side of hypnosis...

Now I have to admit, when I first started reading I was pretty sceptical...

I mean after reading so many books and finding so much rehashed junk on the internet I had become a bit of a sceptic.

But the deeper I dug into the information and the more I read the more I started to see how this stuff could really work.

I finished reading the whole thing in less than a couple of hours, and by the time I was finished my heart was pounding and I was sweating...

I honestly felt like my head was spinning after finally finding that this kind of mind control was real and it really did exist.

As soon as I'd had a taste of Black Ops Hypnosis I needed to learn more.

So there was no question about it, I had to meet the faces behind the names, watch them, find out who they were and what made them tick.

So I made it my mission and my obsession to hunt down these faceless names from this "secret society" and beg them to share with their secrets with me.

But There Was A HUGE Problem

These people had NO CLUE who I was so why would they want to tell me anything?

...And it's not like I could just pick up the phone and call them, you know?

After all ...I didn't even have a clue who any of them were.

So why would they even want to talk to me?

So after a few weeks of searching the internet, trying to find anything that might help me find them I told myself there was no way I could get in touch with these people... so I should just forget about it.

Fortunately, I Didn't Forget About It

I read those same 80 pages over and over again every night... I was so obsessed with it, even my wife started to think I was crazy.

After weeks of reading the same thing over and over again my focus started to change to the three blank pages at the back of the journal, and what appeared to be a few pages that had been ripped out...

It was then that I notice one of the blank pages had a few words of text imprinted on it so deeply into the paper they were almost embossed on the other side.

The imprinted words were from what was written on one of the pages that had been ripped out.

I could just about make out the details of what The Professor was calling "The Dark Shadow Technique".

The first thing that came to my mind was "Why has someone ripped this page out?"

But the craziest thing was... right there at the bottom of the page, imprinted into the paper was an email address.

I couldn't believe it.

This whole time, I had an email address for The Professor right there in my hands and I just didn't see it.

I grabbed my laptop and sent what was probably the longest email I've ever written... to this guy I've never even met.

This Is Where It Gets Strange...

I got a reply back from him in about 2 minutes.

And the weirdest part was he told me he'd been expecting me and he actually hypnotized me by email!

It was completely insane, and when I finally got to meet him he explained how it works. (NOBODY knows how to do this, but I'll show you how in the course!)

It's crazy... I mean, just think for a second what you'll be able to do once you know how to hypnotize someone just by sending an email.

It makes your life a hell of a lot easier, believe me.

And before I had it done to me I NEVER would have said it was possible.

But it happened. And hypnotizing someone by email isn't even one of the more advanced techniques!

This group of insanely focussed individuals had the most powerful knowledge you can ever imagine - all broken down and backwards engineered into a step by step process.

Here's What This Means For YOU

It took months before The Professor fully trusted me and accepted me as one of his own, but it was all worth it and my determination paid off for both you and me.

Here's what I mean.

I was so obsessed with learning this stuff and mastering these powerful techniques.

I mean think about it.

The Professor literally WROTE THE BOOK on Black Ops Hypnosis.

He was LITERALLY the one who invented it.

I knew if I could just get close to him and beg him to teach me my life would never be the same again.

So after months of persistence and begging him to let me under his wing he finally agreed to meet me.

To this day I'm sure the ONLY reason he met me was because I told him I found the Journal, and he wanted to figure out how I got my hands on this advanced mental technology in the first place.

And so began the strangest two years of my life.

After meeting The Professor and practically begging him for weeks, he offered to let me in on every secret, every technique, and every method of hypnotic mind control that he had developed over the last ten years.

I felt like a mad scientist or something ...scribbling down pages of notes about how this one guy had reinvented hypnosis and persuasion.

I spent the next two years digging deeper and deeper into this secret society with a man who thought about new ways to manipulate social situations nonstop.

You wouldn't believe some of the things I had to do if I told you.

But all of the gruelling suffering and pain was worth it...

After my training with The Professor I felt like my life was just starting...

I even met a friend I hadn't seen for a few years and he DID NOT recognize me...

Not because I looked any different, but he told me that the only way he could describe it was that I have "some kind of insane confidence boost and everywhere I go people just seem to love me."

And that's not even the craziest part...